@WorkSeries,  Being Thankful,  Self-Improvement,  Vulnerability

Moving Beyond Discouragement – Uplifting Yourself Spiritually @Work

He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might, he increases strength. Isaiah 40:29 NKJV

Why bring God and work together? Should they be two separate things? To be successful in life, one is asked to observe certain consistencies across the board. Work is work; home is home, and faith belongs at home.  This is not a call to rise but to point out that your strength inside, through your faith personally, is the same strength that will help you professionally at the office in times of emotional need.

Will your spiritualist belief carry you through tough times at work? You bet it does!

As a Christian, I have many reasons to celebrate God; Christ has risen, and we humbly know that we are the sheep of his flock. Yet sometimes, even the most devout believers may become discouraged, like I feel some days. After all, we live in a world where expectations can be high, and demands can be even higher.

Does our spiritual belief protect us from feelings of being let down by others or ourselves? It does not. This is where the ‘keeping the faith’ part kicks in.

When we fail to meet the expectations of others, or for that matter, the expectations that we have for ourselves, we may be tempted to abandon hope. I am guilty of that sometimes myself. Sometimes I felt God had abandoned me, left me sinking, and barely kept my head above water. Until recent years, that is how I felt. I would speak to God and say, “why have you left me? Why don’t you hear me anymore? Are you testing me to the point where I lose my faith? Is that what you want me to do?”

Over time my questions to God became pleas; “God, I love you, and I don’t want to be tested to my breaking point because I am afraid that I won’t follow you anymore! I fear the moment I do that. I will lose my foundation, values, and what I had learned as a child”. I was always taught to be faithful to my Father in heaven. Only He will see me through my darkest hours, to lean on God’s understanding and not my own.

I was taught that if you rely on humans, they will always fail you, except God, who will make ALL things new. Will all humans fail me personally and professionally?

The reality is, yes, some people will fail you, BUT NOT ALL people will fail you. I have learned that God speaks through people who are travelers in our path—sometimes giving advice or providing assistance to guide our actions towards improving our life, whether personally or professionally.

When I am in prayers with God, I ask him not to let my fears and worries overwhelm me, even though the bible says that fear produces courage and faith produces hope. I was failing miserably. All I wanted for my family and me was a break! But God had other plans. He knew exactly how he intended to use us. Our task is to remain faithful until he does.

At work or home, seeking solace in your faith will give you the strength to deal with your current challenges.

If you‘re a woman who has become discouraged with the direction of your day or life (like I was), turn your thoughts and prayers to God. He is a God of possibility, not negativity. He will help you count your blessings instead of your hardships. Then, with a renewed spirit of optimism and hope, you can adequately thank your Father in heaven for his blessings, love, and son.

When we reach the end of our strength, wisdom, and personal resources, we enter the beginning of his glorious provisions.

Have you reached all of that just like me? Let’s take refuge together in HIM.

“Dear Lord, help me to do better by reminding me to come to you for strength. I can’t keep my head above water when my responsibilities seem overwhelming. To trust you to give me courage and perspective. I pray that you give me eyes like yours to see your grace in every situation and to look to you as the ultimate source of my strength, hope, peace, and salvation. Amen.”

Faith is not to be categorized, set aside, or left in a box when you head off to work each day. Your faith is the most significant source of strength and energy to overcome any obstacles in your way. That faith within yourself, with God, combined with your commitment to your objectives, will consistently aid you in achieving the goals you set out for yourself.

Lastly, I will leave you with one of my favorite verses in the bible that I am fond of.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”.… Matthew 11:28