Lighter side

Work humor- On the Lighter Side

Remember all those times you would shake your head and think to yourself, ‘I gotta share this one cause nobody would believe me!’. Well, just the other day, I finally said I have to share because I’m going to either lose it or giggle it off 🙂

Today’s blog is about some giggle-worthy scenarios that happened at work over the past couple of years. I hope you find some enjoyment in reading it.


My word document

Them: I saved my word document but can’t find it. Do you know how to find it?

Me: Did you save it in your document folder or on the desktop? Did you name it?

Them: No, I don’t know what you mean!

Me: No problem, let me look. Oh, it’s sitting on your desktop. It’s best to create a folder to organize documents for easy retrieval in the future.

Them: How do you do that?

Me: I can show you, or if it’s easier, I can do it for you whenever needed. It’s only a couple steps.

Them: Okay, well that’s too many steps so I’d rather you take care of it.

Me: *sigh*…No problem will do.



Them: I did my expenses, but what do I do with the receipt?

Me: You scan the receipt and attach it with the expense transaction or the expense report.

Them: How do I scan? And how do I attach this stuff!


Expense report returned

Them: I submitted my report, but it emailed me back? I am not sure what is wrong with it. I can’t find any explanation as to why it was returned? Can you help?

Me: Did you click on the link attached with the return message?

Them: No, was I supposed to?

Me: Yes, it will take you to the message and to the expense page.

Them: Oh


Kitchen supplies 1

Them: we ran out of coffee, creamers, sugar, and stir stix

Me: Did you look in the cabinets?

Them: No, because the coffee lady comes to replenish. She did not put enough supplies this time; you need to call her back.

Me:  The coffee lady comes to restock 2 weeks of supplies. She does not come every day to put the coffee on trays. Did you check the cabinets?

Them: (opens the cabinet and found all the supplies)   Oh.


Kitchen supplies 2

Them: We ran out of kitchen paper towels. We always run out of it. The building cleaners are not doing their job well. You need to call and complain.

Me: No I don’t, it’s not the building cleaners, they don’t supply that for us.

Them: Well then, who does? This is ridiculous!

Me: I have sent an email out to the floor with kitchen protocol, as well as there is a sign in here did you see it?

Them: No, where is that sign? And I don’t remember your email.

Me: The sign is right here in front of the coffee machine. As for the email, will resend it again as a refresher. If people run out of paper towels, you just need to open the cabinet and take one and load it into the dispenser.



Them: (former boss on the phone) Do you know where are my PST files?

Me: They should be under your inbox.

Them: No, can’t find them. They don’t show. Are they saved on my H drive or desktop?

Me: They should be on the H drive. It sounds like you have got new equipment.

Them: Yes, I was transferred.

Me: If that’s the case, the person who transferred you needed to let IT know to image the laptop profile as your desktop profile. Did they do that?

Them: Uhh, how do I do that now? Do you have time?

Me: You must call IT support for help. I don’t know how to image a laptop!



Them: How do you redial a number?

Me: *sigh* Press here where it says “redial”.


Pass card access

Them(boss): We now have access to the lounge at the CEO.

Me: That’s great!

Them: I went to use my card it did not work. Can you get me access?

Me: Okay, I will contact security.

Me: Hi, my executive could not get into the lounge. Can you add access?

Security: No problem, I will let him in.

Them (later): I got in, but you need to add access for me.

Me: I don’t think they add access to your card; they buzz you in.

Them: No, it’s new, and we can have access, so you need to get in touch with the office and get it for me.

Me: I got in touch, and I was told you do have access to use it, no problem, security will buzz you in, but it’s a secure floor, and they don’t add access.

Them: That does not make sense!


Office Fridge

Them: Did you happen to throw out a Tupperware container in the fridge? It was there for the past two weeks.

Me: “….”

Them: That was my lunch for today!


Exchange of coins for paper money

Them: Can you take this jar of coins to the bank and get them to exchange coins for paper money?

Me: I will go ask if they do that.

Bank: We no longer accept coins as such; you either bring them pre-rolled up, or you can go into a grocery store and put them through those coin machines that have, but they charge a fee.

Me to the Executive: They don’t take the coins like that. They have to be pre-rolled.

Them: It’s a bank; how could a bank not accept loose coins? This is crazy; who made that rule?

Me: *sigh* You did, sir.


Taxi Ride

Them: I just got out of the taxi, and I didn’t pay him. I gave him your number to call you, so you can pay him.

Me: Did you lose your corporate card?

Them: No, I did not pay him because I thought I would catch a ride back with him. I guess he didn’t wait for me.

Me: Okay then, I will pay him when he calls me.



Them(boss): I need to print double-sided and in color. I tried, and I don’t know why the printer won’t do it

Me: I can show you where to make those selections.

Them: But can’t it happen automatically? It’s not right in my printer settings; please open a ticket to get it fixed.

Me: Sure, if you want it set by default, you can also make those selections whenever you need to print.

Them: No, I want it every time. This is not the right setup.

Me: There is a company policy in printing in color, that is why; also, we have a printer on the floor that is already set to print double-sided that you can select. It’s right here under the print options to get that. Ideally, there is no need to open a ticket as it’s not an issue!

Them: No please open a ticket; it is an issue for me.

Me: *sigh* Okay


Printer Situation

Them(boss): The printer is not working at all.

Me: What do you mean? Did you try to print and it does not?

Them: No, it does not even look ON.

Me: *sigh* Yes – because it’s not ON.


Coffee Machine

Them: I think I pressed something accidentally. The language is now Spanish. How do I get it back?

Me: Here, look at the screen where it says language. Just press English…



Them: (replied to my email) Can you provide me your full contact information and phone number?

Me: Um…check my email signature.

Them:(replied to my email) Sure, please provide your phone number

Me: Um…check my email signature.


Meeting info

Them: Where is the meeting location?

Me: It’s in the invite…and the subject line of the email invite.


Email Distribution List

Them: I need a distribution list made

Me: Ok, for how many?

Them: Four people.

Me: Four, that’s it? Will it be used often?

Them: No

Me: Um, you are aware that their names will pop up in the ‘To’ line as you type, right?

Them: Yes, but the list is faster.

Me: Ok, I will submit a ticket to IT for the distribution list to be created so you may email the four people not often.


Make today a day where you giggle at the silliness that goes on at work!