
Career confessions of a wife, mother, daughter, and friend – Why did I use this tagline?

You might wonder why I picked that tagline for my Blog


Well, I have decided on the tagline of “career confessions of wife, mother, daughter, and friend!” for many reasons that cover a personal and professional level. I couldn’t choose between one or the other because I am all of those every day of my life.

I was a daughter and a friend to many before I began my journey as a wife and a fortunate mother. There is something to be said about being a mother that is so rewarding! I am a mother to a wonderful, intelligent boy who taught me so much more about myself and how to love deeply and grow as a parent during his early childhood years. He is a gifted child with all the quirks and challenges that comes with being gifted. The thing is, I spent most of my time raising my son before I started to consider a career as an Executive Assistant.

Before I married and had my child, I was all about traveling. I gained experience in education and working in various verticals within the Travel and Tourism industry. Then all that stopped when I got married a year and a half later, pregnant. Traveling continued but with a purpose as we moved to different countries in the first few years of my marriage. Without any immediate family to lend support, I chose to focus all my energy on raising my son. Motherhood was the trend, and now my new gig!

I am grateful that things have worked out this way. It helped me focus on my son. I am positive it would have taken far too long to find out that my son is gifted and would require a lot of attention and help to navigate through how to be “normal” if I wasn’t a stay home mom.

Anyhow, the point that I would like to convey here; I had spent most of my life in a supporting role, thinking of others in a nurturing way, emotionally and financially if I could, and being there for my family and friends encourage when needed, share words of wisdom, being a sounding board and soft place for my family and friends to land on.

My heart is full of love to share, and I am happiest when I support, give, and bring a smile to someone else’s face other than mine. So, the idea of a career never really crossed my mind, as much as enjoying a second pay cheque.

I wanted to contribute financially while simultaneously knowing I needed to create a person with a new identity. My contributions and accomplishments would not just be as a wife and a mother but also as a career-oriented woman!

Could I do it all? Would I want to? I am a Libra at heart, and of course, the Libra in me must do things equally; otherwise, there is no joy in life.

With that said, my blogging journey will cover all aspects of life. I hope it will be relevant to you and that you will join me on this journey. In whatever stage of life you might be at. I hope my writing either inspires you, warms your heart, or provides helpful insights, and hopefully, in return, you will share your experiences with us via the comments.