What is my purpose in life?
Life’s journey towards my forties certainly has had its moments of wondering if my goals were achieved or went missing somewhere along the way. Years of making external pursuits for your family, job, and friends may have put you in a position to think ‘of others first instinctively.’ If this is you, then like me, you may have asked: What is my purpose in life? Grab a piece of paper, a tablet, a phone, or whatever you can to write the following down. Let’s begin with making a list of your goals written down for you to see them. It helps to use a process to achieve your goal as it is easier to talk or write about them but not put a plan in place to use them. This is now where we will both change that! For me, I have learned to RIDE my goals! Reach Inside Identify my goals Develop my plan Execute my goal Reach inside: Could you give it some thought? Considering your values is critical here. What would you like to achieve or change in your life? Your job, career, appearance, education, a trip, or boosting your self-esteem or confidence? Dig deep to find the essential things in your life or work. Was there a time you were at your happiest? Can you recall times when you were most proud? Can you think of a time that you were most satisfied with your life? Not only will they help you when it comes time to determine your goals, but your values are also most likely the measures you use to determine how your life is turning out the way you want it to. If what you do and how you act are a match, you can bet life is pretty satisfying. But when these two things do not match, and things feel a bit off for a long time, it becomes unsatisfying. At this point, more than anything, knowing your values is especially important to the following steps below. Identify your goals: If it helps, I categorized my goals into family, spiritual, professional, social, financial, and other. Try doing this for yourself using headings that work best for you. Don’t rush to make this list or be afraid to list anything that comes to mind, and don’t worry about prioritizing…that will arrive shortly. Honestly, it took about three days before I finally finalized my list. Now that you have selected your list pick 8-10 of the most significant changes to you and put them down in no particular order. Begin ranking them now in order of importance to you. Number them from 1 (being the most important) to 10 (being the least important). At this point, you must walk away. Put the list in a safe place for a few days up to a week. You will need this time to reflect and forget so you may revisit your list with fresh eyes. Now review each change on your list. Ensure you are happy and satisfied with each ranking you have made. Make any adjustments at this point to reprioritize. When you’re confident you have made your rankings complete, your first ranked item becomes your number one goal to achieve! Develop your Plan: This list will not help you without your plan in two steps. How will I achieve my goal? Here is where you will write your strategies to accomplish your goal. For example: If your goal is a career, then an approach could be education. Do not limit your plan. You may need more than a few to accomplish your goal. What will I do to achieve my goal? Here is where the detail comes in for each strategy. For example, one approach may be identifying which course(s) may help your education strategy. Another may be to check with your employer to see if they have a financial aid policy for education. The two steps above MUST go hand in hand. Once you have completed one goal, you will find each easy to stick with. DO NOT STOP HERE. Keep moving forward. The next step is your first step to your new future!!! Execute your goal: Hold yourself accountable. Make a ‘mini-goal’ or a few (e.g., going to Human Resources to discuss aid options and courses). Treat yourself after accomplishing each goal with something small but satisfying. Hold your head high, knowing you are now on your way to growing a better you! Don’t give up your dream!
Amal Candido